Aequitas FAQ
FAQ / Wave 2 / Battle Cards /
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Electrified Spikes

  1. No. The ability does a maximum of 1 damage, no matter how many orange battle icons you flip.
  2. In that case, no damage is done to the defender.
  3. I had Electrified Spikes on Volcanicus and Wheeljack attacked. Wheeljack did enough damage to kill me but I also flipped 2 orange battle icons and Wheeljack was my opponent’s last character. Which character would be KO’d first? [Source: WotC]
    If the damage from Electrified Spikes KO’s the attacker, no attack damage is dealt during that combat. If that attacker was your opponent’s last character, you would win the game.
  4. So I’m attacking with Dinobot Snarl - Desert Warrior with 8 damage counters on him, he’s attacking Volcanicus, who has Electrified Spikes on him. Snarl flipped enough damage to KO Volcanicus, but for Volcanicus’ defense flip, he hit the two orange pips to activate Electrified Spikes. Which would do the KO damage on Snarl. So how is damage assigned? And whose damage goes first? Or is this a double KO? [Source: WotC]
    Electrified Spikes’ ability happens before attack damage, so in this scenario, Volcanicus would save himself with Electrified Spikes and KO Dinobot Snarl - Desert Warrior.
    Alternatively, you could try telling Volcanicus to stop hitting himself.
  5. Do you check for KO as soon as you calculate damage or is it at the end of the attack phase? Is there a specific order for extra damage calculation outside the normal attack? This matters because of Reckless Charge potentially KOing both attacker and defender simultaneously. It also matters because of Electrified Spikes. [Source: WotC]
    We are constantly checking for KO. In the case of Electrified Spikes, it will deal the damage to the attacker before combat damage is assigned. If the attacker is Ransack in bot-mode, he will benefit from the additional damage and increase his attack by 1.
  6. As long as cards were flipped during battle, you can swap cards for green battle icon cards. If a character dies before battle cards are flipped, then you would not be able to swap for green battle icon cards.