Aequitas FAQ
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Sunstorm - Fusion Flyer

  1. Nothing. You won’t draw any cards, and nothing happens to the cards in your hand.
  2. Sunstorm’s ability sets his base attack value, what you’d see printed on the card if it didn’t change.
    From there, Actions and Upgrades can raise that value. For example, if you have 3 cards in hand, his
    base attack would be 3. If he then got a Weapon that gave him +2 attack, his attack would be 5. This
    wouldn’t change the number of cards in your hand.
  3. Do as much as you can. If you run out of cards in your deck and scrap pile during a battle, stop flipping and resolve that attack.
  4. While in bot mode, Sunstorm's attack is equal to number of cards in hand. If he is equipped with a Mining Pick and you start with, let's say 6 cards in hand when the attack is initiated. You Plan 2, dropping 2 from your hand to the top of your deck, bringing you down to 4 cards in-hand with a plus-4 total from the Mining Pick, for a total of 8 attack before battle flips? Or would it check for the 6, giving you your base attack, then you can Plan from there, starting you with a base of 10 in the same aforementioned situation. I guess my question is, when does his ability check for cards in hand? The second he is tapped then go on from there? Or at the end of battle flips then check hand size and calculate from there? [Source: WotC]
    Sunstorm’s attack is always checking your hand size, so the damage he does in an attack comes at the very end of the attack.
  5. My opponent's Air Raid (Bot Mode) attacks my Sunstorm (with Crash Landing), doing enough Damage to KO Sunstorm. Air Raid's player is able to Scrap the Crash Landing before I can use it to KO an Aerialbot, correct? [Source: WotC]
    In this scenario, Air Raid’s ability can’t do anything because Sunstorm has been KO’d and as a result, his upgrades have been scrapped. Crash Landing’s effect will work.