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Slammer - Combat Drone

  1. I'm playing a game of Stunticons vs. Metroplex.
    Turn 1, Metroplex Flips and Attacks.
    Turn 2, feeling clever, Stunticons puts a Battering Ram on Menasor and Attacks Metroplex, dealing 1 Damage. Metroplex Flips and Deploys Slammer.
    Does Turn 2 end now or does the Stunticon player get to keep attacking since the condition that allowed him to keep attacking had already been met? [Source: WotC]
    After each attack concludes, the game checks to see if the opponent has any untapped characters. In this scenario, Slammer is there, so the Stunticon player does not get to keep attacking.
  2. How does Protected by Metroplex function in situations where damage is being dealt to multiple bots simultaneously? Let's say I have Metroplex and Slammer out, both are at 1 HP, and Slammer is equipped with Protected by Metroplex. It's the opponent’s turn and he plays Strafing Run as his action before combat, which deals 1 damage to both Metroplex and Slammer simultaneously. Is the 1 damage to Slammer moved over to Metroplex before he *dies* from the 1 damage he is already receiving? [Source: WotC]
    All damage done by Strafing Run will be done simultaneously, no matter where that damage ends up. Metroplex would end up taking 2 damage and then be KO’d in this scenario. Slammer would live on, driven by vengeance.