Aequitas FAQ
FAQ / Tournaments / Constructed /


  1. Sideboards can contain 1 character card of 20 stars or fewer and up to 10 battle cards.
    • No more than 3 copies of each Battle Card are allowed between a player's deck and sideboard.
    • Duplicate character cards are not allowed between players' decks and sideboards.
    • After sideboarding, decks must be legal.
  2. After each game in a match, the player who won that game chooses to sideboard a character
    first, and declares their team. Then, the player who lost the previous game does the same. Then
    both players swap battle cards between their main deck and sideboard simultaneously.
    Players are not required to reveal how many battle cards they have swapped from their main
    deck to their sideboard and do not have to swap one for one, but after sideboarding, their
    sideboard may not exceed the maximum sideboard size (10 battle cards).
  3. Yes. Each one counts as one of your ten battle cards in the sideboard.
  4. You can but note that each card is a separate character card. This means you could have a character card with a head mode or one with a body mode in your sideboard, but not both.
  5. For casual play, you are allowed to use whatever parameters your play group has decided on. For competitive play, in Limited, you are only allowed to draw "outside the game" cards from your Limited pool. Editor's Note: In our initial ruling, we misstated our answer and accidentally ruled that "outside the game" cards must be limited to one's sideboard. This is incorrect.
    They later changed competitive rules to require battle cards to come from the sideboard.
  6. Is it legal to have a copy of Swap Parts in my Side Board that I never put into my actual deck? [Source: WotC]
    No, it is not legal. It is so not legal in fact, that it is illegal.
  7. When you change your characters. You present your starting team (including stratagems) before swapping battle cards.